Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Shades of grey

Today was a nice chilly day in South Florida. I didn't have to leave my house until 11:30 which helped because I got to stay in bed with my cats for awhile and by the time I left all signs of frost were gone. I dressed in layers today because yesterday I wore pants and when I got to woke I was so hot at my desk. It was a good thing I did because I ended shedding the tights and the slip underneath this outfit.

The dress and the shirt from these outfit are both thrifted, the dress is originally from Old Navy and the shirt is Theory. My boots that I love are my moms christmas present from last year and they are from Urban Outfitters. I wore them to a school yesterday and a little second grade girl asked if they were winter boots and when I said yes she informed me that it was Fall.

I finished my classes yesterday and that means my first semester of grad school is done!! I'm so excited for a break and to read some non-assisgned books. In fact last night after I finished my class I started reading John Waters new book, the one I had him sign a few weeks ago, it's called Role Models and it's about various people that he admires. So far it's pretty good and very informative, I'm already half way done!

1 comment:

Amy said...

i like those boots! every time i wear my tall boats to work, no matter how cold it is outside, my feet end up sweating by the afternoon. i think it's b/c they're pretty thick leather.