Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blueberry picking

I went to Lake Placid this past weekend to visit my sister. On Sunday we went to one of my favorite places in Lake Placid, Henscratch Farms and went blueberry picking!

It was so much fun, but a lot of work because so many people had been picking before us so we really had to search for the ripe ones.

Mmmm but it was worth it they were so delicious that we kept eating them as we picked.

There are chickens running all around the farm and they follow you in the blueberry patch waiting for you to drop some!

We also got some strawberries.

My fruit picking outfit! I got this shirt from my friend Amy in one of our clothing swaps and I can tell I will be wearing it a lot this summer. In fact this was the second time I wore it over the weekend.

And I got a sweet bike at a garage sale up there for only $20!

It's still in Lake Placid until my sister can bring it down to me but I can't wait to ride it.

Topped with lace

Once again I have fallen behind on my, work, tv, blah blah blah. This is last week of the semester and I'm so ready for a break. In the mean time I have been working on several projects and I have some things lined up for this summer that I'm really excited to work on and I will definitely be sharing things on my blog.

Two weeks I went shopping with my mom and I bought this new hat and new shoes. The hat is slightly silly and I don't think I'll be wearing much in the hot Florida summer but I love it! And it was on clearance at Marshalls for $15, pretty sweet.

I also got these new Sperry Topsiders which I'm also loving and have been wearing non-stop since I bought them. I have a pair of regular brown leather Sperrys and they are one of the most comfortable shoes that I own but I've been wearing them camping and sailing and on all my other out-door activities so I wanted another pair for everyday life.

Red is my constant companion.

I bought this lace top at a thrift store over a year ago and I had only wore over a bathing suit at some point but lately I've been throwing it on over almost everything. It has become a staple in my pre-summer wardrobe. (South Florida's seasons are different) I also wore it last week out to dinner with Natan and a friend. I had spent the entire day inside working on a project for school and so I was more then excited just to get out the house.

While we were walking around Coral Gables we saw this graffiti.

Pretty awesome.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Two for one

Today turned out to be a really great day when I thought it was going to be a pretty annoying and bad day. I had to go to a work project at our new site which is opening soon and we were supposed to be there all day doing clean-up stuff but we only had to stay an hour! So I had the whole day to do fun and exciting things instead of being out in the hot sun scrubbing railings. First Natan and I went to this market by our house, it's in an empty lot and people just have tents where they sell anything from hats to vegetables to watches to delicious grilled cheese sandwiches.

Day outfit:
Red is my constant shadow!

And he gets sad if I don't hug him enough.

I just bought these shorts at Forever 21 and I have decided that I really love their shorts, they fit me really well and they are super cute.

After shopping we came home and I helped Natan write questions for the South Florida History Challenge, which is tomorrow. It's basically like a Jeopardy game at the Historical Museum of Southern Florida but only with questions about South Florida. Natan has been writing the questions for the past five years and I like helping him because it puts to use all the years I've spent criticizing Jeopardy questions. Believe me if there is anything nerdy then being a part of a history challenge it's definitely writing the questions for one. I'm excited because even though he's been doing this for five years I have never been able to go to a challenge because I've always had to work. So this year I'll finally get to go and my parents are coming too!

To thank me for helping him Natan took me out to one of my favorite restaurants, it's called California Bistro and they have a menu of mexican and italian dishes and they make pretty much everything there, including the squid ink pasta which is normally what I get.

Dinner outfit:
I told you Red was my little shadow!


I got this dress at a thrift store a few months ago. I used to wear it with this awesome gold belt I had but the belt got ruined and I had to throw it out but I like this black feather belt with it too.

So that was my fun Miami filled day, hope everyone else is having a fun weekend!