Saturday, January 08, 2011

Favorite songs not from Favorite albums

So I thought it would be fun to put a list together of my favorite songs from albums that weren't on my top ten (see previous post). So here it goes.

Robyn: Don't Fucking Tell Me What To Do

Caribou: Odessa
I've been listening to this song over and over again for months, so much so that it prevents me from listening to the rest of the album, but until I saw the video I didn't realize it was about domestic violence. I should play it at presentations I give for work!

Cee-lo: Fuck you
Sooooo,soo, so catchy! I have to be careful when I get this song stuck in my head, which is pretty much all the time.

The Books: I Didn't Know That

Local Natives: Sun Hands

Girl Talk: Jump on Stage
Big Boi, Skee-lo, ODB and Radiohead? Girl Talk have you been reading my music diary?

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