Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Natan and I leave tomorrow morning at 5:50 in the morning for our vacation. I'm very excited but also nervous, I've never had to plan my own trip and I just hope everything works out and we aren't mugged in our sleep in a shitty hotel. I'm very sleepy right now because it's been a crazy two weeks. Tuesday my paper was due in my Post-Modern World Literature class and I basically wrote it Sunday and Monday night. I hope it turned out okay, I don't think it's terrible but who knows. It was one of the least painful papers I've ever written. Usually I spend so many hours in front of the computer not writing anything and just hating myself because I feel like I get get the words from my brain to the screen. I also had to make my classroom plans and I am nervous about leaving the kids for so long. I hope I left enough work for them and I hope the substitute doesn't look at my stuff and say "what the hell is she doing in this class?" and I hope that when I come back I don't have to like "re-train" the kids to me. It's nerve-wracking. I also hope that I didn't forget to pack anything, I don't think, I tend to over pack. I'm like George in Seinfeld because I dress by mood. I tried to actually plan my outfits so I wouldn't just pack a bunch of random clothes that don't really go together because I've done that before. I just hope I brought the right clothes because it will be pretty cold in Toronto (well in the 50's which is cold to me) and nice/ cool/cloudy/rainy in Washington. When packing I always think about things that I will want that I never really use here, like I just spent so much time thinking and packing jewelry when I wear the same jewelry pretty much every day. I just like having the options. Well I need to go to sleep now; I have to wake up at 4 in the morning. I will be able to update my blog while on vacation though because Natan is bringing his computer so look forward to pictures!

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