Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh my god!

I want this shirt so much It's ridiculous. (I tried to make this a link but I couldn't :( but highlight and paste it, it's worth it!)

My mom and I made cheese fondue today. Even though I used the correct amount of wine it tasted so much like wine that I could only have a couple of dips (I don't know, I guess that's what you would say for portions of fondue.)

I started my graduate class last week. It's post-modern world literature (which, as someone in that class pointed out, sounds very impressive). It's also depressingly expensive for one graduate class. I think it seems worse for me because all through college I had Florida pre-paid and financial aide so I never had to pay for all of my classes. But I am really excited to be in this class. It also makes me feel better about myself, because if I wasn't in this class and I was just working part time at Barnes and Noble and living with my parents I would be kind of depressed, but IF I am also in school (even just one class) at least I feel like I am working towards something.

Also I am planning a trip to Washington D.C. and the surrounding area. Natan and I will be going in May, so if anyone has suggestions of fun places to visit let me know.

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